21 de September de 2023 Press Release

The Americas need a regional cooperation to protect human rights, including civic participation

CEJIL’s Statement in Support of the Joint Statement on the Inter-American Democratic Charter

Washington DC, September 21st, 2023. On the occasion of the International Day of Democracy, the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) proudly endorses the Joint Statement presented to the Regular Meeting of the OAS Permanent Council on September 20, 2023, reaffirming the commitment of member states to the Inter-American Democratic Charter. This momentous declaration, made twenty-two years after the charter’s adoption, underscores the enduring importance of democracy as a cornerstone of our collective values and aspirations in the Americas.

CEJIL applauds the unwavering commitment of the Governments to the principles enshrined in the OAS Charter and the Inter-American Democratic Charter. These international tools serve as essential guides for preserving and defending democracy in our hemisphere and fostering cooperation among nations.

In light of the increasing challenges facing democratic institutions worldwide, we share the conviction that the Democratic Charter upholds the utmost importance of democracy, respecting the rights and freedoms of all people. We algo commend the mandate adopted by the 53rd Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly, which encourages open participation and cooperation among member states to strengthen democracy.

CEJIL echoes the call for member states to strengthen regional cooperation, enhance transparency, and protect human rights, including freedom of expression and civic participation. It is crucial to listen to the suggestions of civil society in the pursuit of effective processes to address the current challenges of democracies in our region. We support the mechanisms outlined in the Democratic Charter which allow to member states the SG to request assistance for the preservation of democratic institutions and address disruptions to constitutional order.

Furthermore, we deeply believe there is an opportunity to the Organization of American States to address challenges to democratic political processes and civic participation, including the evolving threats posed by disinformation, misinformation, and violent extremism. CEJIL welcomes the proposal for the creation of a Voluntary Group and offers its availability to work together to promote dialogue, cooperation, and the sharing of best practices. We recognize the importance of democracy as a way of life, ensuring liberty, equity, and social justice for all citizens of the Americas.

We at CEJIL highlight the interdependency of democracy and social and economic development, emphasizing the need to eradicate poverty and promote equality and social justice as fundamental components of democratic consolidation. We commit to intensify our efforts to ensure women’s equal participation in all aspects of our societies and to protect and promote women’s rights as a central objective of the OAS. Together, we can continue to strengthen democracy, respond responsibly to climate change, protect human rights, and promote inclusive development in our hemisphere.