When and why was CEJIL started?

In 1991, CEJIL was founded at a meeting held in Caracas by a group of prominent Latin American human rights defenders. The idea underpinning its creation was to form a regional organization that would use international human rights law and the bodies of the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) to promote justice, liberty and a dignified existence for the citizens of the hemisphere.

How many countries does CEJIL work in?

CEJIL works across the Americas. It currently has offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; San Jose, Costa Rica; and Washington D.C., USA.

Does CEJIL charge for its legal representation?

No. CEJIL represents the victims of human rights abuses free of charge.

How many victims does CEJIL represent?

As of 2020, CEJIL represents over 27,000 victims in more than 200 open cases before the IAHRS, in partnership with around 400 partner organizations and human rights defenders. In addition to representation, CEJIL also provides free legal advice to hundreds of victims.

How is CEJIL funded?

CEJIL’s funding comes from the generous donations made by grant giving foundations, philanthropic organizations, individuals, the UN, regional and nonregional governments, and other supporters.

How does CEJIL select the cases it litigates?

In order to ensure a response to human rights violations that has the greatest possible impact, CEJIL litigates cases emblematic of serious human rights violations in the Americas. These cases help to contribute to social justice, strengthen democracy, and compel national governments to take steps to ensure greater respect for human rights. However, due to limited resources and the nature of its mission, CEJIL cannot take on all of the cases submitted for consideration.

Do these cases make a difference?

The cases litigated by the organization not only protect victims’ rights, but also establish regional standards of human rights protection and ensure non-repetition of violations. Often, the litigation of cases leads to governmental recognition of responsibility, public apologies made by national governments to the victims, friendly settlements in which a range of reparations are agreed to, IAHRS pronouncements on violations committed by national governments, court-ordered reparations to victims, and changes to a country’s laws and policies.

How can I help?

A range of dedicated professionals, from attorneys and law school students to communications personnel, translators, and volunteers, help CEJIL work toward its mission by devoting time to the organization through the internship or fellowship programs. Most commitments run on a three-month basis; further information can be found here. Additionally, CEJIL accepts  from individuals and institutions. If you wish to contribute in any other way, please contact CEJIL via the contact form or by using the specific contact details for one of CEJIL’s offices.