8 de November de 2010 Publicacion

Complete versions for download:

Tools for the Protection of Human Rights – Case Law Briefs: Equality and Non Discrimination

CEJIL celebrates the inauguration of its series “Tools for the Protection of Human Rights” which consists of organized Court Briefs from different themes. This initiative looks forward to make fundamental information on domestic and international jurisprudence law, available to defenders of human rights. Hence, this will aim to facilitate its access, use, and development.

The first volume deals with principles of Equality and Nondiscrimination. It will include a selection of textual briefs of decisions of the Commission and Court of Human Rights, Fund Reports, Judgments, Advisory Opinions. These will cover a wide range of cases of discrimination and inequality on the continent that motivated to some kind of response by the Inter-American human rights protection.

The text is only available in Spanish.

Look here the video of the event on Youtube: Presentation of the book Igualdad y No discriminacion in Mexico City, 07/23/2010 – Notimex TV