27 de July de 2018 Publicacion

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Human rights in the Inter-American system. Compilation of instruments. 2011 edition

On its twentieth anniversary, CEJIL presents the seventh updated edition of “Human Rights in the Inter-American System: Compilation of Instruments”; a publication that compiles the Declarations, Treaties, Protocols, and Principles that make up the fundamental standards of the international law of human rights in the Americas, complementing it with those texts that regulate the composition and operation of the and Inter-American Commission and Court (Statutes and Regulations).

On this occasion, the latest amendments to the Regulations of the Commission and the Court introduced in 2009 and the amendment of Article 11 of the IACHR Rules of Procedure made in 2011 are included, as well as regulations for the operation of the Legal Assistance Fund of the Inter-American Human Rights System issued by the Permanent Council of the OAS, the Inter-American Court and the Inter-American Commission, respectively.