31 de January de 2011 Publicacion

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Human rights in the Inter-American system. Compilation of instruments. 2009 edition.

The Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) is pleased to present the sixth updated edition of its publication Human Rights in the Inter-American System: Compilation of Instruments.

Since the first edition of this compilation of Inter-American regulations on the protection and defense of human rights, published in 1997, CEJIL has attempted to spread the knowledge of international human rights law developed in the Americas and to reach different audiences, as well as to instruct on the use of the tools that the Inter-American System offers to the victims and human rights defenders.

The publication compiles the Declarations, Treaties, Protocols, and Principles that make up the fundamental standards of the international law of human rights in the Americas, complementing it with those texts that regulate the composition and operation of the Inter-American Commission and Court (Statutes and Regulations).

This sixth updated edition includes the latest amendments to the Regulations of the Commission and the Court introduced in 2009, which affect central aspects of the System, such as the rules applicable to the admission of petitions, precautionary measures of protection, the role of the victims in the litigation before the Inter-American Court, or issues of legal representation, among others.

Additionally, in this new edition, we present a table that provides an illustrative overview of the status of ratifications of the instruments of the inter-American human rights system. Also, the way in which the information is presented allows for a comprehensive view of the involvement of the OAS member states in the Inter-American System.