1 de October de 2024 Press Release

Costa Rica: Organizations call for respect for the independence of the Judicial Power

San José, October 01, 2024. The undersigned organizations express their deep concern at the attacks on the independence of the Judiciary by the Executive Branch in the context of the investigation undertaken by the Attorney General’s Office for the “Barrenador case” and make an urgent call for the respect of the division of powers and the protection of the fundamental democratic principles enshrined in Article 9 of the Constitution.

The principle of judicial independence is contemplated in Article 8.1 of the American Convention on Human Rights and constitutes one of the basic pillars of the democratic system, for which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) has recalled on numerous occasions the obligation of the States to guarantee the autonomy of the Judiciary and avoid undue interference by other public or factual powers.

The reaction of the Executive Branch to the investigation of a possible case of corruption encourages political violence and social polarization, erodes confidence in public institutions and jeopardizes peaceful coexistence.  If the Executive Branch considers that the judicial instances have acted in an irregular manner, it should file the respective complaint to be investigated through the legal mechanisms provided for in the legal system.

In Central America we observe worrisome setbacks in the guarantee of judicial independence, starting this cycle with the narrative delegitimization and persecution of justice operators -prosecutors and judges- who investigate and judge possible corruption cases. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has pointed out that “the greatest current danger for democracies in the region is not an abrupt breakdown of constitutional order, but a gradual erosion of democratic safeguards that can lead to an authoritarian regime, even if it is elected through popular elections”.

It is crucial that political and social actors assume their responsibility by leaving aside polarizing rhetoric and promote an environment of respect among public authorities and a constructive dialogue that allows progress in the country’s development goals.

We urge the population to actively monitor and defend the independence of their institutions, understanding that a robust, impartial and pressure-free Judiciary is essential for the effective protection of their rights. The undersigned organizations reiterate their commitment to the defense of judicial independence and prosecutorial autonomy as a cornerstone of democracy.


  1. Asociación Americana de Juristas
  2. Asociación Costarricense de la Judicatura ACOJUD
  3. Asociación Nacional de Empleados Judiciales (Anejud)
  4. Asociación Nacional de Profesionales del Poder Judicial (ANPROJUD)
  5. Asociación de Psicólogos Judiciales APSIPJUD
  6. Asociación Feminista La Corriente
  7. Asociación MANU
  8. Asociación Sindical Costarricense de Trabajadores de Telecomunicaciones y Electricidad ACOTEL
  9. Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Cultura y el Ambiente
  10. Asociación Agroindustrial del Caribe Sur
  11. Asociación Nacional de Técnicos y Trabajadores de la Energía y las Comunicaciones ANTTEC
  12. Cátedra de Centroamérica de la Universidad de Costa Rica
  13. Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional CEJIL
  14. Costa Rica Íntegra CRI
  15. Centró Feminista de Información y Acción , CEFEMINA
  16. Colectiva por el Derecho a Decidir
  17. Colectiva Profesionales para la Ciudadanía
  18. Colegio de Trabajadores Sociales de Costa Rica
  19. Centró Feminista de Información y Acción , CEFEMINA
  20. Colectiva por el Derecho a Decidir
  21. Comisión de Crimen Organizado y Seguridad del Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas
  22. Colegio de abogados y abogadas de Costa Rica
  23. Cooperativa Sulá Batsú
  24. Defensa de Niñas y Niños – Internacional, DNI Costa Rica
  25. Decanato, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica
  26. Federación Latinoamericana de Fiscales
  27. Federación Latinoamericana de Magistrados (FLAM)
  28. Feministas Picos Rojos CR
  29. Frente Ecologista de Cipreses
  30. Frente Nacional por la Seguridad Social FRENASS
  31. Foro por los Derecha de las Personas con Discapacidad
  32. Instituto Victimología de Costa Rica
  33. Madre Tierra por el desarrollo sostenible y sustentable
  34. Mesa Nacional de Diálogo
  35. Movimiento Unidos por la CCSS
  36. Movimiento social por una respuesta integral al VIH
  37. Movimiento Cahuita Unida
  38. Organización Interseccional pro Derechos Humanos Costa Rica
  39. Observatorio Medios de Comunicación y género GEMA
  40. Plataforma de incidencia comunitaria para el VIH
  41. Plataforma de Organizaciones Basadas en la Fe OBF Costa Rica/OBF Regional/
  42. Sindicato de trabajadores de la salud STRAS
  43. Sindicato de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Poder Judicial
  45. Unidos por el agua
  46. Unidos por la CCSS