19 de May de 2010 Press Release

Considerations on the Implementation of the Truth Commission in Honduras

The implementation of the Truth Commission and its weaknesses pointed out in this document should not be a cause for celebration. Furthermore, this announcement can not facilitate the unconditional reinstatement of Honduras into the international community.

The legal and economic limitations observed in the implementation’s beginning, compromises the reliability of its operations and its resulting conclusions. Those limitations could generate a substantial amount of outrage and concrete damages that would not contribute to a reliable reconciliation process. The entire State of Honduras – and the Executive power included – still does not demonstrate a serious political will to clarify the facts that occurred on June 28. Moreover, Honduras does not hold the individuals who were involved accountable. In fact, the current steps taken are contradictory, weak and question the independence of those who led the de facto regime.

CEJIL calls for the various national and international stakeholders to urge Honduras to correct the Truth Commission in accordance with the existing international standards.

Read here the complete document. (Available in Spanish)